Are your wood windows falling apart?
Metal and wood window deterioration is due mostly to poor maintenance. For instance, water intrusion can occur when hemp or lead-soaked wool, between the brick facade and the window jamb is neglected. Or, when said traditional methods are replaced with modern caulking compounds, without installing appropriate bond-breakers that prevent the failure of three-sided joints. Multi-sash windows are especially vulnerable because water penetrates, runs down into the sill and then rots or rusts the lower portion of the frame. Failures also commonly occur when the putty that once sealed the glass into mutton bars, is replaced with inferior joint sealants. And occasionally we discover replaced glass panes ill set into a bedding joint of putty, which results in a premature malfunction. We also find many beautiful steel windows in historic buildings that with care, would last centuries. But too often the windows are ignored and/or replaced with bulky modern aluminum, which can result in a whole new set of problems…such as thermal failures and condensation between glass layers. Often, advertised energy savings realized in a few short years are erased by the high costs of unnecessary window replacement, which can be easily avoided with the right expertise and a little consistent care.
Is water incursion destroying your wood soffit?
Leaking gutters are usually to blame for slowly destroying wood soffits. Often the damage goes unnoticed for years because the rot is contained behind facia boards and metal work or multiple layers of paint. Left untreated for long enough, soffit features will literally start falling off of the building. Gaps and holes created by rot provide unwanted pests easy access into attic spaces where they can reek havoc on insulation and HVAC systems causing costly damage and health hazards.
Are you considering a vinyl cladding over your wood?
It is tempting to just cover the unsightly wood with a vinyl or aluminum cladding but what happens years later when the underlying wood need to be maintained or you can’t see the damage being done by rot or insects?
Are you considering replacing your historic windows?
Although some windows need to be replaced we ave found that many original windows can be restored and provide a more lasting unit than a new replacement window. Steel casement or wood windows, if properly maintained can last for centuries while new aluminum or vinyl clad windows tend to suffer thermal failure and condensation between the layers of glass. If you are having problems with the rotted wood elements on you historic building please give us a call.