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Is your paint coating failing? Need to paint again and again? How many coats of paint can be applied before the paint must be stripped?

If the surface shows unmistaken signs of aging, accompanied with thick multiple layers of paint and a minimum of bare wood, then stripping is probably required.  Little will be gained by applying more paint, only to have it crack and peel, thus allowing moisture to penetrate and rot wood or rust metal.  This is especially pertinent in hard to reach areas like steeples, gables, soffits, and window frames that often suffer the worst damage from failing paint, and the subsequent degraded cladding that covers up needed maintenance.  The cost to strip old, cracked multi-layers of paint is several times greater than the expense of simply applying more paint…and even more so when scaffolding is required.  However, failure to take the appropriate action of stripping old paint, or replacing damaged wood and metal when required, will exponentially add to future repair costs.  And doors and lower windows that are easy to reach are no less vulnerable and should be inspected for rot and rust.
Stucco coatings and plaster are similar. For hundreds of years both stucco and plaster shared the same basic elements as mortar, which endured generations.  There are still traces of stucco and plaster on the ancient monuments of Mesoamerica, well over four thousand years old.  By contrast, our off-the-shelf modern stuccos last on average thirty to fifty years.  What’s the difference and how much more would it cost to make it last longer?  If you are restoring plaster or stucco are you aware of the products available that match ancient recipes?  And how can you mix and match stucco to remain durable?

Are you suffering exterior coating failure or interior plaster problems?

Traditionally the two are very similar and are both masonry coatings. Once moisture gets into the either it causes natural salt to form and once the salt starts to crystalize it expands and causes the stucco or plaster to spall and fall apart, it can also cause mold to form, the kind that can cause respiratory problems. Ancient methods and materials can now be utilized to patch and replace plaster and stucco that will last much longer and resist cracking. Mineral coatings are now available here in the U.S. that don’t produce harmful fumes if there is a fire and do not peel off like modern acrylic or latex paints. Please contact us if you are experiencing coating failures of any kind.

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